Date: 11th October 3852 A.C.E.


Myst rubbed his eyes as the sun crept through the window into his room. He had barely slept all night. His mind was still racing through all the possible meanings of the prophecies that Irden had given him and Al.

He splashed some cold water onto his face to snap himself out of the drowsiness that still held onto him from the night. What did Irden mean when he talked of struggle making way for acceptance? Myst thought. Is finding Shadow worth risking what will happen afterwards, or would those wars happen regardless? Myst splashed more water onto his face. Regardless, I have to find him. I can’t put years of searching behind me all because of a prophecy that may not even come true.


Myst found Al polishing tankards behind the bar in the alehouse. “Good morning, Al,” he said, stifling back a yawn. “Have you been able to make any sense of Irden’s prophecies?”

“Good morning to you, too!” Al replied energetically. “I believe I have with one of them.” He set down the tankard he had been polishing. “I suspect that one of the city’s gangs is plotting an assassination on the Dark Trinity. Shadow is most likely working for them. So, if we find one, we find the other.”

“Do you know which gang would be planning it?”

“I have an idea. But need some more information to confirm it before doing anything rash. We’ve got to be smart about it. Can’t go starting a gang war based on a hunch.”

“Is that something I can help with?” asked Myst.

“Indeed, it is. I was hoping you’d ask. I want to send you and Nessa around the city to speak with some of the gang leaders. To see if any of them have information that they’re willing to share.”

“Alright, when do you want us to head out?”

“As soon as possible. I’ve already told Nessa and she should be back any moment now.”

Nessa gently opened the door to the alehouse. With barely a sound she made her way over to the bar.

“Ah, there she is now,” said Al. “Nessa! I was just filling Myst in on what I want you two to do.”

She nodded towards Al and turned towards Myst. “Myst, good to see your cuts are starting to heal,” she said softly.

“They are. The pain has started to fade also. Thank you for cleaning them the other night,” said Myst. He saw her hair was pulled back and held by two long daggers. They were sheathed in a unique red scabbard that matched the colour of her lips.

Nessa flashed a warm smile at him before turning back to Al. “I’m all ready to go. Do you have the list of who you want us to see?”

“Here you go,” Al said, sliding a short list of names across the bar counter. “Take your time with it. Better to be thorough and get results. If any of them know something about a plan to take down the Trinity, I want to know about it.”

“Any particular order you would like us to visit them?” asked Nessa.

“As they’re written. I imagine the later ones could give you some trouble. The last one on the list is who I’m most interested in. If anyone would be involved in something as shifty as an assassination plot, it will be him.”

“We’re on it. We’ll visit the first one today. Did you have anything you would like me to give to her on your behalf? Because of what happened here the other night?”

“Yes, you’re right. It would be best not to send you two in there empty-handed. Give me a minute to grab something.” Al stepped into the back room and emerged a couple of minutes later with a small box. “Here, take this and give it to her. Along with my condolences to her and the families of the boys.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll make sure she receives it,” said Nessa. “Myst, are you ready to go?”

“I am,” said Myst. “Lead the way.”


Nessa led Myst to a house that had a slender man with a monkey tail standing guard outside it.

“We’re here to speak with Lita,” Nessa said to the man.

“Is she expecting you?” he said.

“No. But tell her we are here on behalf of Al.”

“Very well. Wait out here.” The slender man walked inside, leaving Nessa and Myst standing on the street.

Myst asked, “That man with the monkey tail… Does that mean the group that was killed in the alehouse attack were part of Lita’s gang?”

“That’s right,” said Nessa.

“So, the box Al gave you?”

“It’s a gift of goodwill to apologise for them being killed while in his care.”

“A show of goodwill?”

“Yes, to show that it was not intentional. Otherwise, Al risks Lita retaliating and staking a claim for some of his territory,” said Nessa. “You’re very new to the workings of the dark city, aren’t you?”

“Is it that obvious?” joked Myst.

“Very!” she said with a wry smile.

“I’m learning. Helps to have Al show me the ropes.”

“Only Al?”

“And you, of course,” said Myst with a slight flush in his pale cheeks.

The slender man opened the door wide. “Lita will see you. Follow me.”

Myst and Nessa followed the man through the house as he escorted them to a large outdoor space that the house encompassed. The space was filled with trees and plants of all colours. The smell of flowers wafted in the air as they entered.

Myst saw something strange swinging from one of the low branches of the tree in the centre of the area. He stared at it for a second as it swung. Only when it had turned did he notice that it was a body. It was hanging from a monkey tail that was wrapped around its neck. Above it, in the other branches of the tree perched multiple people watching as they entered.

Nessa saw the horrified expression on Myst’s face. “Calm yourself,” she said. “They’ll see you as weak looking like that.”

“H-how can they do that to someone?”

“Not just someone. That’s one of their own.”

“One of their own. Why?”

“He most likely didn’t live up to his word. Lita is ruthless. She doesn’t hesitate to make an example out of anyone that fails her. Especially her gang. Keep them in line.”

A tall woman swung down from the top of the tree. She had a long black and white ringed tail. It allowed her to easily catch herself as she leapt from branch to branch. She landed perfectly in front of them and straightened out her top.

The man spoke first. “Madam Lita, our guests.”

“I am told you have come on behalf of Al?” said Lita.

“That is right, Madam. My name is Nessa, and next to me is Myst.”

“Why is it that he has sent you here?”

“We have come for two reasons. Firstly, and most importantly, we have come to offer condolences for the lives that you have lost,” Nessa offered the box to Lita. “Please accept this gift as a sign of goodwill. Along with Al’s sincerest apologies for the tragedy that has happened while they were under his care.”

The slender man stepped in and accepted the box from Nessa. He opened it for Lita.

Lita’s face kept a stern expression as she looked inside. “Please pass on my gratitude to Al. He is generous as always.”

“Of course, Madam.”

Lita gestured for the man to take it away. As he left, she asked, “Can you tell me what happened to them?”

“The alehouse was attacked by a man named Shadow,” said Nessa. “I’m sure you have heard of him before?”

“I have indeed. There has been quite some talk about the damage he has been able to do since arriving in Dartrin. But how does Al allow one man to cause so much trouble in his alehouse?”

“He has unforeseen power, Madam.”

“Unforeseen? How so?”

“He does not fall in with any of the known races. No one could predict how he would attack.”

“Were either of you there?”

Myst, who had been trying to avoid eye contact, looked up and chimed in, “I didn’t see him that night, Madam. But I had a run-in with him the next day.”

Lita looked Myst up and down. Her face changed for only a fraction of a second when she noticed the colour of his eyes before returning to her stern look. “Tell me, Myst. How is one man capable of causing so many young boys to be returned home as lifeless bodies?”

“I could not tell you for certain, Madam. What I can tell you is that he can appear and disappear as quickly as smoke rolls across the countryside in the wind. He was quick and ruthless and bore no face to show any expression.”

“And how could it be that there was one body short to be returned to their families?”

“If I may offer my best guess. He can absorb or cause things to disappear, as he can. I saw a man throw a punch at him. It connected, but only for him to pull his arm back with he no longer had his hand after it hit Shadow.”

“How is it that you were able to survive when so many others didn’t, emerald eyes?”

“I confess it must have been luck. Or that he did not see me as a threat at that time.”

“I hope that helps to satisfy your need, Madam?” interjected Nessa. “Which also leads us to the second reason why we are here.”

“It does. For now,” said Lita, her tail swaying as she thought. “You may present the second reason.”

“Al has sent us to ask if you have heard any talking around the city of who Shadow is working with. Or any talk of an assassination plot to kill the Trinity in the coming weeks?”

“Talks of assassination?” queried Lita. “Why is it you ask such a dangerous question?”

“I only ask due to a prophecy that has been made that links Shadow to the deaths of our dark rulers.”

“You best be careful talking of such things. You do not want to mention that to the wrong people. It may be taken the wrong way.”

“That is why Al has sent us to you, Madam,” said Nessa, bowing her head. “Al trusts that he and you would both like to prevent that from happening.”

“You do well with flattery, young one. From my network, there has been no mention of assassinations from those that have come through our territory recently.”

“Thank you, Madam.”

“Of Shadow. No one knows of his whereabouts. Nor do they know who he is working with. But my people would very much like to hang him from this tree as payback for the boys that he has killed.”

“I very much understand.”

Lita stood silently for a moment. Her gaze passed between Nessa and Myst. “Please pass a message back to Al for me,” she said.

“Yes, Madam. What will the message be?”

“Pass on to Al that I offer our full support to the killing of Shadow. As long as he provides us with a location for where he is hiding out. Finding Shadow is the least he can do considering what he has allowed.”

“I will pass it on to him tonight.”

“Now, it is time for you two to leave,” said Lita.

“Thank you for your time,” said Nessa, bowing.

“Thank you,” said Myst, as he copied Nessa.

“I’m sure I will see more of you, emerald eyes,” said Lita as the slender man returned and escorted them back out of the building.


On their way back to the alehouse. Myst said, “Damn, that didn’t help at all. She didn’t give us anything.”

“I would say that went better than expected,” said Nessa.

“Better than expected? What did you expect would happen?”

“It was just as likely that we could have joined that body you saw hanging from the tree.”

“Why did we risk it then?”

“Al has a good relationship with her. And it helps that his gift must have met her standards of what she deemed acceptable to cover that break in trust.”

“She gave us no information though.”

“She gave us plenty. Now we know she isn’t likely part of the plot to kill the Trinity. Neither is anyone that frequents in her territory of the city.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“Plus, we also know we don’t need to watch our backs for any of her crew wanting to take revenge.”

“I wasn’t thinking of that before. But I’m glad you put my mind at ease,” teased Myst.

“You best sharpen up quick, Myst. I would hate for you to get caught off guard,” said Nessa with a wry smile.